Psychosomatic training
 and Diploma in Europe 



Gerhard Schüessler (Innsbruck, Austria)



  Ramiro Veríssimo (Porto, Portugal)

Giovanni Fava (Bologna, Italy)

Carl Scheidt (Freiburg, Germany)

Bohdan Wasilewski (Warsaw, Poland)

  Tatjana Sivik (Gothemburg, Sweden)

Gunta Ancane (Riga, Latvia)

  Kristina Orth-Gomer (Stockholm, Sweden)

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Necessity for postgraduate training in Psychosomatic Medicine

  • Traditional medicine incorporated more doctor-patient-centred “art of healing”

  • The advent of drugs and technical medicine created a gap between doctor and patients

  • In medical training (medical school, postgraduate), psycho-social aspects were neglected against “hard natural science” — being the only real science

  • Several countries (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Latvia) already have fixed diplomas (even subspecialties like Germany); while others need support.

The necessity of bio-psycho-social (psychosomatic) training has been acknowledged in different European countries since several years in order to improve a holistic health care and to foster the treatment of psychosomatic disorders.
Synonyms are bio-psycho-social, bio-behavioural, psychosomatic, psycho-oncology, psycho-cardiology et al., all indicating the bidirectional body-mind interaction and the importance of the doctor-patient-relationship

In a first meeting in 2004 a working group of several European countries started a

European Network of Psychosomatic Medicine []

One first decision in order to promote Psychosomatic Medicine within EU health care has been, among others, to achieve an European core curriculum in bio-psycho-social medicine (Psychosomatic Medicine) for a diploma accessible to all doctors (not only psychiatrists).
In July 2005 a task force was established with the goal of achieving such curriculum -- knowledge, skills and attitude -- in postgraduate psychosomatic (bio-psycho-social) training; as well as to sketch the general guidelines to credit a Psychosomatic Service on idoneousness and suitability for training.

Further meetings should lead to the passing of a common resolution and European curriculum to be implemented in European medical training and health care.

See also workshop held in Dubrovnik, 2006 [26th ECPR]